Day 8 - REST Countries API | Forntend Mentor Challenge

Today was a very great day because I started my first the React course and the best part of the day was I resolved all my errors in REST Countries API and all the error were resolved in one hour. I tried to resolve these errors for 2 to 3 hours the last day but I was unable to resolve them. Now, My REST Countries API task is completed and I can move on to new tasks from now.


The SVG icons were also changed to font awesome icons so that it can easy for me to change the color of them.

2nd Page.jpg

I also changed the design of the brief information page so now user can access the navbar from the brief page too.

Mobile Design

The mobile design was also fixed the brief information page was not opening perfectly on the mobile so it was also fixed a little bit. The filters button was overlapping with the search box.

Mobile Design.jpg

The brief information page was also updated as the button was going behind the flag image and an the flag image was very large for the mobile device, so the images of flags were shrunk to fit in the mobile screen and the information was also aligned vertically instead of horizontally so that it can be easy for use to read the information.

2nd Page MD.jpg

This was somewhat a hard task for me but I am glad I completed this task as fast as possible but the time given was 3 days and I was completed this task in 4 days, but from now I will always try to complete the task in time.